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We the Brothers of Trinity Lodge 127 invite you to join our goal of continuing to fund our Trinity Lodge 127 PH Scott Heckstall Scholarship FUND.
PM Scott Heckstall was a mason for 70 years and during his time as a member of the Lodge he was an advocate for higher education. PM Scott Heckstall was an avid reader and would read anything he could get his hand on. To honor his memory as a man who felt education is the foundation to anyone's success, we dedicate this scholarship fund in his name.
The costs of a college education are on the rise, but degrees are more necessary than ever in order to land a job in a professional field.
As a result, the modern student faces a dilemma, choosing between going into significant debt at a young age or foregoing their dreams and pursuing a career that doesn’t require a college education. When bright students choose the latter and turn away from their goals, the whole world suffers from missing out on their perspective and innovative ideas.
This scholarship aims to support students who need help covering the cost of their pursuit of higher education.